“The Don’t Drive Drowsy Foundation directed by Kathi Wright performs an outstanding service of educating the public about drowsy driving. Driving under the influence, distracted driving, and an emphasis on safety belts have been promoted for many years. The message of drowsy driving has not received the same attention and emphasis even though it is the most commonly abused.
Almost all drivers have driven impaired by a lack of sleep after a long day at work or school, some nighttime activity, or after taking some medication. The Don’t Drive Drowsy Memorial Foundation reminds drivers that drowsiness slows reaction time; impairs judgment, vision, alertness; and promotes aggression behind the wheel. Ms. Wright and the Foundation offer warning signs of drowsy driving and also prevention remedies.
Ms. Wright and the Don’t Drive Drowsy Foundation share the drowsy driving message to new drivers at many high schools, have initiated legislation and road signs in the City of Germantown, and continue to overall educate the public on drowsy driving. Thank you, Ms. Wright, and the Don’t Drive Drowsy Foundation for all you do to get this important message out. There is no telling how many lives have been saved by your commitment!”
Shannon Pitner
Owner, Pitner Driving School, Inc.
“We teach about everything except the importance of sleep. Ms. Kathi comes in and discusses the importance of sleep and how that will affect everything we do. It is a message for people of all ages- staff and students alike. With her diligence as an example, we can help spread the message to encourage all Tennesseans to make sleep a priority so all drivers can have a safer place on the roads.”
Mary Greer
Driver’s Education Teacher, Dyer County High School
“I want to thank you for the Drowsy Driving presentation you did for Marion County students. Over the years we have lost students to wrecks. The information was impactful letting them know they are the ones making decisions to either drive or to rest. Reminding them they could be responsible for loss of their life or others was eye opening for them and something they had not thought about. Thank you again for the message and for caring enough to travel daily to share your knowledge and help students avoid risky decisions.”
Carol Bailey
Director of Coordinated School Health, Marion County Schools
“I had the opportunity to listen to Ms. Kathi’s lecture while I was in high school taking driver’s ed. Once her lecture was over, she ingrained in me how scary drowsy driving truly is. That was 11 years ago and I have had my fair share of drowsy driver moments. When those moments appear, I think of her lecture and I pull over or ask a friend or family member to pick me up. Drowsy driving is no joke and something that should be taken seriously by everyone no matter how old you are.”
Rachel Crawford
A Former Don’t Drive Drowsy Student